Monday, November 17, 2008

Farewell, our feet are da same....

When I left the last time the Opera House was still under construction. Such a beautiful building but everyone complains that it is such a bad space for theatre/opera/ballet. If it is so bad why does no-one do anything. Do the Opera Australia people ignore the criticisms or is that just more stuff they do not hear in their ivory towers.

I am so sad to have left but what could I do - I will save you the trouble by answering. Nothing. I spent too long away and the changes were too big for me to get my mind around. Why is it that when you walk into a shop with your hard earned cash to give in exchange for goods it is often such an unpleasant experience. A union needs to be formed, "The Unsatisfied Customer Union". The UCU member will pledge to walk-out of any shop that does not deliver an average level of customer service with their credit card or cash firm lodged in purse or pocket. The average level of customer service is measured by 1. Hello, 2. Can I help you? 3. Did you find everything you need? 4. Making eye contact and 6. Getting off the phone while speaking to said customer. These 6 little requests are so often satisfied that I know it is possible. If we were just to withhold our money I know ....

Hey people it is the climate that is harsh - you don't have to be.

We took one last turn across the harbour. The air was perfect and the swell just enough to remind you you were on the Manly Ferry. In '69 and '70 I took the ferry from Balmain to downtown Sydney to work. The skyline has changed, the buildings are higher but it is still as beautiful. Funny I love big cities as long as I am not 'in' them. I think I worked out that last day why. My introduction to the big city was first a short bus ride and then the ferry ride. I never really had anything to do with the bustle and shove of train riding or the stop/go of the car. I had time to admire the line and shadow of the architecture and the land. No wonder I love the city - I don't know it.

All the flights worked out well despite the first flight - out of Sydney was on a Qantas plane and not Air Pacific. German couple with a small baby were sitting beside me and the woman asked me if I would move to an empty seat so they could have my seat for the baby. I ended up sitting by the window - ugh and beside a gentleman who downed three little bottles of red and went to sleep. I arrived non the worse for wear in LA finally and nearly choked to death on the air. The big surprise there was price of taking luggage on the flight with US Airways. $90 because one was too big. I wanted to say, "keep it" but there might have been a fine for littering! I have, in the last year, whittled my worldly goods down to two suitcases and some boxes, I guess $90 for shipping is not grounds for complaint.

I am blessed and happy. JS has hooked me back up to the internet so the world is at my fingertips. To all the kind and wonderful people out there thank you for your kindnesses. I will work hard at paying them forward because I can never repay you. To AH3 and DDH my heart breaks because I had to say goodbye and because I have not yet said hello.


JustJess said...

Miss you mate. x

AMCSviatko said...

I think you're onto something there but may I suggest a rename to something like The Feeling Unsatisfied Customer Kollective Union?
