Saturday, December 13, 2008

Do you want to work for yourself....

I went to an interview yesterday. I walk into the room where I had been invited to take a seat anywhere. Fortunately the word 'anywhere' set off a tiny light bulb so when I saw a room full of people no audible exclamation exited my head. Wow! A sales pitch for a job. Essentially they are seeking independent agents who tirelessly tout the product while the company sits back and collects. Sure the potential earnings were fantastic and almost guaranteed but if everything is so fantastic why doesn't the company bare the burden of finding business. The presenter was eager to correct any impression that is was not a pyramid scheme. Aha! It is actually a see-saw. The corporation is the pivot point and all the little agents are marbles resting on the board. If I really wanted to work for myself I would be making adorable crafts that everyone would just have to have. I would be designing scarves that don't need to be pinned to stay on. I would be writing children's stories that BN would illustrate. I would be writing a story that DDH would turn into a screen play. I would not be flogging someone else's dream. I would not mind helping someone else fulfill their dream but I would like to be compensated for all the time I spent on that and away from my own dreams. Ah well, back to the classifieds!

- Guess who saved the day?

Somewhere along Bell Road there is a St. Vincent de Paul thrift store. After the morning's disappointment I returned to pick up a few thing: a bowl for the herbs to grow in, place mats for the table....

I also picked up a couple of sheets that will become covers for the new couch. Day-time dog guards - Bella in particular likes her comfort and Bouba just likes to try new things. I am going to attempt some machine embroidery and make a curtain for M&J's bedroom. Somehow the towel over the window just doesn't add much to the house. Contemplating all this I am struck by by how far I have traveled to just do the same thing.


m1k1 said...

The more things change....

AMCSviatko said...

You know what they say, wherever you go, there you are...