Thursday, December 4, 2008

Ah fall in the desert

Waiting for the heavens to open up and for a job (bone) to fall from the sky. I feel a bit like Bouba. She wanted to get in the the pool area to suss out the next-door- through-the-back-wall dog. The day before they had had a little bit of a do. Bouba doesn't bark, well maybe she does but in three weeks I have only heard a whiny growl. However the next door dog was going hell for leather and Bouba had tried on several occasions to jump the wall to find out what all the ruckus was about. Needless to say I made the necessary calls to her to quit jumping vertically up the wall within a few inches of the top. I had passed up the glorious task of weeding the pool area in favor of a little reading - The Vanished Man by Jeffrey Deaver.

Job hunting has to be the most difficult task for me. I don't have the classic resume. What I could put down just doesn't fit into any of the sort after skills of the modern world. Raised three wonderful children who are completely themselves and not clones of either their father or myself. I look at them and think, "What interesting people they are, so different". It is wonderful having a conversation with them because I just don't know what they think about everything. Two failed marriages yuck, what kind of recommendation is that. Lived in France for eleven years but french is now rather rusty. Lots of experience but none of it very useful. Several years as a hobby potter and community teacher. Oh yes, I learned to make macrame once too!
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